3 Reasons to Upgrade the Window in Your Baby’s Bedroom

Newborn babies sleep a lot! In fact, they can sleep up to 18 hours a day, and sleep is something every new parent wants to encourage. Old windows in a baby’s nursery can play havoc with their sleep cycles. There are three main reasons why upgrading their bedroom window now will play dividends in the future.

Temperature Control

A newborn child has difficulty regulating their body temperature, so it is important their environment is temperature controlled for comfort. A baby can lose body heat four times faster than an adult. A cold baby uses more oxygen and energy to keep warm than one who is at the optimal temperature of 97.7 F. Old, drafty windows do not help the struggle to maintain a baby at their optimal temperature. Cold air conditioner air pumped into the room is sucked out through the frame gaps, while hot, sticky air enters the room. At winter time, warm air is replaced by chilly, moist air from outside as it escapes the same route. Drafty windows can be temporarily repaired using putty around the frame. However, cracks in wood frames are caused by internal rot and ageing. Over time, the structure will need more and more repair, so it is timely to consider replacing it and the glass entirely. This change will make your window more energy efficient.

Noise Control

The gaps in the window frame that are making temperature control difficult are also letting in outside noise. The fact babies sleep so much during a 24-hour period means they are in their crib during daylight hours. During the daytime, your neighbors mow their lawns, traffic noise increases and pedestrians walk past the home. All this ambient noise enters the bedroom through the gaps in the frame and has the potential of waking up your baby.
There are two ways to take back control over the noise coming from outside:

  • Repair the gaps around the frame, or replace the frame completely.
  • Install double-glazed glass into the bedroom window.

The amount of noise reduction experienced using double-glazed windows depends on the thickness of the glass and the distance between the two panes. However, you can get up to 35 decibels noise reduction just by changing to laminated acoustic double-glazed windows.

Since a baby’s hearing is more sensitive than that an adult, you can positively impact their sleep patterns by reducing the outside noise factor in their bedroom. The quieter it is in their room, the longer they will slumber.

Safety Glass

Newborn babies do not stay still for long, so the final point to consider is the safety of the glass in their window as they grow. While you have a few months before needing to worry about the mischievous antics of a toddler, think about what type of glass works best in a child’s bedroom. Tempered glass is the perfect choice to replace the standard glass in their window frame now. This kind of glass is up to five times stronger than the standard glass in their bedroom window.

The other reason for choosing tempered glass is what happens when it breaks. Standard glass breaks into large sharp shards that can cut a child. Tempered glass, by comparison, breaks into small pebble-sized chunks which are not as sharp. If your child accidentally breaks a window, tempered glass is less likely to harm them. A new window frame combined with tougher glass makes a big difference to the comfort and safety of your baby both now and in the years ahead. Get those windows replaced now before the cold air of winter starts to bite, and you’ll be able to keep your baby a lot more comfortable while they sleep cozy in their crib.

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