Is It Time to Upgrade Your Windows? 8 Telltale Signs

Most of the time, you probably don’t think twice about your home windows unless you’re noticing a smudge or opening the blinds. But your windows represent one of the most important barriers between your household and the elements.

Like any other home accoutrement, your windows may become harder to use, less attractive, or less structurally sound over time. When this happens, you must perform the necessary upgrades in order to protect your home from pests, temperature extremes, and moisture.

In this blog, we give you eight signs that the time to replace your windows is at hand.

1. Abnormal Glass Temperature

Well-insulated windows prevent most heat from transferring, whether it’s a winter chill coming in or beating summer sun. Touch your window panes. If the glass feels extremely hot or cold, especially if the temperature matches the weather outside, you probably need better temperature control.

To provide this control, a contractor may recommend multiple-pane windows or improved insulation techniques.

2. Advanced Age

Think back to when you last replaced your windows. Most windows last for 15 years or less. If you’ve had your current windows for longer than that, look for other signs of aging listed in this article.

If you moved in after the windows were installed, a trained windows and doors technician can help you determine an approximate age by evaluating your windows’ conditions.

3. Condensation

While some condensation is normal, especially during cold weather, this moisture should never appear between multiple panes. If you notice condensation between two panes of glass, there’s a vulnerability in the seal.

If recaulking doesn’t solve the issue, you may need to upgrade your windows.

4. Cracks or Chips

Even if you haven’t noticed negative effects yet, visible damage like cracked glass can cause serious issues.

Not only do cracked and chipped windows let more heat transfer through the glass, but they also let moisture seep in and pose a breakage risk.

5. Damaged Sill or Frame

Not all window damage affects the glass. In fact, if your sill and frame are still in good condition, new glass can solve many issues.

However, if you notice mold, rot, or warping in the wood around your windows, you may need to replace the entire element.

6. Difficult Operation

Whether your windows slide or swing outward, you shouldn’t have any trouble opening and closing them. If your windows stick, protest, or have paint and nails keeping them closed, consider upgrading.

Fully functional windows provide efficient heating and cooling, as well as escape routes in emergency situations.

7. Increased Energy Bills

If your windows no longer prevent heat transfer the way they should, chances are that you’ll see evidence of the failing in your energy bills. Compare your heating and cooling bills for the last few years.

If you notice inexplicable rises over time, investigate whether or not your windows are to blame.

8. Leaks or Drafts

In addition to increased energy bills, damaged windows may create pockets of hot or cold air that you can feel just walking through the room. If you notice a cold spot near a specific window, the culprit might be an aging window.


If you notice any combination of the signs listed above, reach out to a contractor at Arch Design. He or she can help you determine how best to proceed to ensure that your windows continue to let bright, natural light in and keep the elements out.

Some of the signs in the list above can appear as the result of damage that isn’t related to your windows’ age. In this case, you’ll want a windows and doors expert to inspect and assess any damage.

Look for these signs so that when your windows need to retire, you see it coming with crystal clarity.